Saturday 22 June 2013

Bernard Dompok agrees recall of all ICs issued in Sabah needed : RCI

KOTA KINABALU: Tan Sri Bernard Dompok has agreed with the suggestion by several Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) witnesses including assemblymen, to recall all identity cards issued in Sabah to preserve the integrity of these documents.
The former Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister said recalling all the ICs was one of the methods to solve illegal immigrant issues in Sabah.
"Although this may sound extreme, it has to be done.
"I am sure people would not mind as long as the identities of true Sabahans can be revealed," he said while testifying at the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Friday.
"There was a study conducted on this issue and from the study we found that about 257,026 ICs are dubious," he said.
Dompok, who is the former Sabah Chief Minister and current United Pasokmomobun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president, also said laws must be changed and enforced if the government really wanted to solve the problem.
"All Malaysian documents which have been given out to non-Malaysians dubiously should be retracted and their names taken out of the electoral roll," he added.
Earlier, Dompok said he resigned from his post as chairman of the federal select committee after noticing that there were integrity issues within government officers and the committee.
"I was conducting an interview with government officers on issues pertaining to the immigrant problems faced in Sabah but the people were reluctant to speak.
"At one point, they were ordered not to attend the interviews anymore," he said.


  1. Former federal minister Tan Sri Bernard Dompok yesterday called for all-out efforts to be made to strike off all Malaysian documents obtained unconstitutionally by immigrants.

  2. The United Pasokmomogun Kadazan Dusun Murut Organization’s (Upko) president reiterated his call at the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrant issues in Sabah to have all identification cards (ICs) issued in the State be recalled, screened, verified and reissued regularly.

    1. Bukan satu cara yang tidak memanfaatkan juga. Harus dinilai.

  3. On the mechanism to implement such exercise, he recommended a competent body comprising officers or professionals from the private sector and civil society movement be appointed as a special task force to verify the ICs before they are re-issuance.

  4. “I understand that there are problems in implementing the proposed remedies. However there can be no compromise when a Malaysian IC, and consequentially citizenship, is obtained through dubious means. The holder of such document was never a Malaysian citizen in the first place.

  5. “If the Ics in Sabah are all recalled and replaced upon verification, this very act will answer all those criticisms faced by the Election Commission on the contamination of the voters list. Those who have obtained citizenship on the sly and become voters can be struck off the list immediately,” he said.

  6. He also proposed that new applications for citizenship must be subject to a rigorous and transparent process before they are approved, similar to the Banns of Marriage (public announcement of marriage).

    1. Process kelulusan permohonan harus ikut panduan yang betul.

    2. Prosedur applikasi harus dikaji semula.

  7. He suggested a website could also be set up for people to comment on applications and all approvals entered into a Register of Citizens which can be made available to the public.

  8. New laws on treason should also be created to ensure that Malaysians who have given or sold Malaysian documentations be held accountable and punished severely for the seriousness of their crimes.

    1. Golongan yang menjalankan aktiviti pemberian dan pembelian dokumen palsu harus dikenakan tindakan yang ketat.

    2. Kerajaan harus ketatkan undang-undang.

  9. Likewise, employers who provide jobs to illegals should be held accountable and so too other Malaysians who rent houses or land to illegals, he added.

  10. “The UPKO Initiative in many instances extends beyond the perimeters of the terms of reference of the RCI. It provides insights into many areas we had little or no understanding of before

  11. “We have now concrete data when in the past it was mere speculation. We now know that the extent, size and reach of the economics of IC and birth certificates buying in the state of Sabah.

    1. Jumlah pengeluaran ic secara besaran adalah sikap yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

  12. “As a Party that has long articulated for the formation of the RCI, it is our (Upko) hope that the report coming out of this Commission will put to rest this issue once and for all,” said Dompok

    1. RCI akan merumuskan siasatannya.

  13. Commission Chairman Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong said the investigation officers would study the report, together with other materials submitted by Dompok, to identify their relevance to the RCI’s terms of referrence.

  14. Shim also suggessted it would helpful if Dompok could help highlight the most significant contains of the documents to in view of the time constraint the Commission has in its probe.

  15. “Going through 26 volumes of documents could take another year. Even studying just the highlights would take some times, and together with the other documents the Commission already has, it would be difficult to do,” he said, noting that the Inquiry has only until September to complete its investigation and come up with recommended solutions for the decade-long illegal immigrant problem in Sabah.

  16. Shim released Dompok as a witness subject to recall for further explanation on any of the information in the documents he submitted.

  17. Apart from the study, Dompok also provided the Commission with a copy of hands out from the parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity he chaired during his tenure as a member of parliament.

  18. It contains among others recorded interviews and testimonies of witnesses that appeared before the Committee on illegal immigrants issues in Sabah.

    1. Bukti akan diserahkan untuk mahkamah untuk menentukannya.

  19. Tan Sri Bernard Dompok has agreed with the suggestion by several Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) witnesses including assemblymen, to recall all identity cards issued in Sabah to preserve the integrity of these documents.===> sokong dengan beliau

  20. The former Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister said recalling all the ICs was one of the methods to solve illegal immigrant issues in Sabah.

    samada berkesan atau tidak, yang penting semua pihak patut bekerjasama untuk mengatasi masalah PATI di Sabah

    1. Tidak cuba tidak tahu adakah cara ini berkesan.

  21. Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) berhubung pendatang haram Sabah hari ini diberitahu Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok meletakkan jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen (PSC) berkaitan Integriti pada 2006 disebabkan tidak mendapat kerjasama daripada saksi-saksi yang terdiri daripada kakitangan di bawah agensi Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN).

  22. Dompok, yang merupakan bekas ahli Parlimen Ranau hari ini dipanggil memberi keterangan sebagai saksi ke - 139 RCI berkata terdapat keengganan saksi daripada pegawai-pegawai untuk memberikan keterangan dalam PSC yang diketuainya pada 2006 menjadi punca beliau meletakkan jawatan.

  23. Pendatang tanpa izin tidak seharusnya diberikan kewarganegaraan hanya kerana kebolehannya bercakap bahasa Malaysia, tetapi kewarganegaraan harus diberi jika dia hanya memasuki negara ini dengan sah dan bukan dari jalan belakang.

  24. Dompok resigned as chairman of the committee on differences of opinion about the function and scope of the committee, in particular, on the refusal of the National Registration Department (NRD) to appear before the committee.

  25. RCI previously told that 28 percent of the population in Sabah is foreigners, amounting to approximately 889 000 which mostly come from the Philippines and Indonesia.

    1. Jumlah populasi ini dalam peningkatan dari masa ke semasa.
