Thursday 4 April 2013

BN yakin kuasai Sabah

Seperti yang kita sedia maklum , Perdana Menteri Najib telah mengumumkan pembubaran parlimen kelmarin. Hal ini mengundang pelbagai reaksi dari pucuk pimpinan masing masing. Ada yang mempersoalkan kredibiliti sesebuah parti yang akan bertanding nanti.

Di sini, barisan komponen BN Sabah-PBS, PBRS, UPKO serta LDP percaya dengan sokongan padu rakyat terhadap BN dan akan terus memangkah nama itu. Mereka menafikan bahawa sokongan tersasar ke arah pembangkang, yang dikatakan hanya memesongkan fikiran rakyat terhadap kerajaan.

Gerakan mencari calon sesuai juga masih dijalankan dan Najib dijangka akan mengumumkan manifesto BN pada Sabtu ini di Bukit Jalil. Nak tahu lebih lanjut, tunggu. 


  1. Sabah Umno treasurer Datuk Hajiji Noor said Barisan Nasional (BN) would most likely secure a bigger win in the soon to be held polling, both at the state and federal levels.

    The Sulaman assemblyman also believed the coalition would regain its traditional two-third majority in parliament based on its overwhelmingly better performance over the last five years compared to Pakatan Rakyat’s administration in the states they held.

    Expressing his confidence yesterday, Hajiji said the opposition had done BN a service since its unprecedented victory in the 2008 general elections, which allowed them to govern several states in Peninsular Malaysia.

    1. Serahkan kepada rakyat untuk menentukannya.

    2. Berkemungkinan satu perubahan dan sejarah dalam politik Malaysia.

  2. He said the Pakatan Rakyat government had proven their incapability, evident in the numerous teething problems and ever growing disappointment among their constituents.

    BN on the other hand, had continued to impress the people, delivered its promises and brought about rapid economic and social development to the people, he added.

    “The odd is in our favour. It’s a sure win. This is specially the case for Tuaran, be it the parliament seat or the three state constituencies, even though our member of parliament has defected.

  3. “The same goes for the rest of the country; this is because we have showed that we serve the people. We have proven yet again that we are capable of implementing well-planned and high impact development programmes that greatly benefit the people.

    “The constituents here in Tuaran too can see how much changes and development we have brought to them, apart from various schemes and assistance to ease their burden,” he said to reporters when met after officiating at the launch of Skill Training Exhibition at Dewan Seri Sulaman here.

    The event organized by the Human Resource Development in collaboration with Tuaran District Office was participated by 22 government and private agencies and institutions offering skill-based

    courses and training programme.

  4. Hajiji, who is also the incumbent Local Government and Housing Minister said the voters in Semenanjung had given the opposition the opportunity to live up to their claims but they had failed.

    “The people have witnessed with their own eyes that the opposition is only good at talking and even better at making promises but they cannot deliver.

    “Now they also know that opposition leaders are only good at creating lies, slandering other people when they themselves are incapable leaders. Just look at the states under their rule, their performance there, there are many problems, real problems faced by the people that they could not resolve.

    1. Rakyat harus bijak menilai supaya masa depan generasi akan datang juga terjamin.

  5. “So I am confident that, not only in Tuaran but across the State and Malaysia in general, we will have a bigger victory this time around. We don’t expect to win all but we know that BN will remain in power, at state as well as at federal level,” he said.

    To a question, he said the opposition did not have any real issues they could exploit and would have to resort to unfounded allegations and lies again to try and discredit the government candidates in Tuaran.

    He noted that Pakatan top leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had personally come to the district to campaign in the previous election but failed to sway the local community.

  6. The voters in Tuaran, he added, had remained firm behind BN and would continue to do so as they judge the competing parties based on their performance and credibility, not their sugar-coated promises and empty talks.

    “When the time comes, the people will decide wisely,” he quipped.

    Hajiji declined to comment whether his name has been included in the 2013 BN line up or if he will be defending Sulaman again, the seat he has won comfortably in the last five consecutive elections.

    The State BN has yet to reveal its candidate list but those close to him are confident that Hajiji will be entrusted to retain the seat for the Coalition.

  7. Tuaran consists of three state seats, namely Sulaman, Kiulu and Tamparuli, with the last two currently held by Datuk Louis Rampas and Datuk Jahid Jahim from Parti Bersatu Sabah.

    The parliamentary seat is held by former United Pasokmomogun deputy president Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bumburing who has left BN and aligned himself with Pakatan.

  8. Earlier at the launch, Hajiji said the event was aimed to promote awareness especially among the youth and school leavers in the area on the importance of acquiring additional knowledge and skills, in addition to academic qualification.

    He said this was important as the country needed knowledgeable and highly skilled human capital to propel it towards a developed country status.

    A total of 22 private and government institutions offering technical and vocational courses took part in the exhibition.

  9. BN pasti akan terus menang di Sabah

  10. Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yakin Sabah kekal sebagai negeri Barisan Nasional (BN) pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13) akan datang.

    1. Rakyat harus sedar diri dan membuat undian yang bijak.

    2. The decision is in the people hand.

  11. Katanya, BN Sabah kini siap siaga untuk menghadapi PRU-13 dan telah memperbaharui tekad untuk mengulangi kemenangan cemerlang pilihan raya umum pada 2008 yang menyaksikan BN hampir menyapu bersih 60 kerusi negeri dan 25 kerusi Parlimen dan hanya kalah kepada DAP bagi kerusi negeri Sri Tanjung dan kerusi Parlimen Kota Kinabalu.

  12. "Saya yakin bahawa dari segi persiapan, semua sudah bersedia sampai ke peringkat jentera BN yang nak mengelolakan pilihan raya di setiap kawasan. "Tentang bancian yang kita buat di seluruh Sabah dari segi sikap pengundi, saya cukup berpuas hati kerana majoriti pemilih di peringkat bahagian di Sabah masih lagi cenderung menyokong BN.

  13. "Saya amat yakin Sabah terus kekal sebagai negeri biru iaitu biru untuk BN. Itu adalah kenyataan berdasarkan fakta dan data-data yang disampaikan kepada saya," katanya yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi BN kepada pemberita selepas mendengar taklimat PRU-13 oleh pengerusi-pengerusi penyelaras BN Sabah di sini hari ini.

    1. Bn harus membuktikan kebolehan untuk terus memimpin.

  14. Ketika ditanya pemberita mengenai pembahagian kerusi di kalangan parti komponen BN Sabah, khususnya kerusi BN yang diperuntukkan kepada Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) sebelum parti tersebut meninggalkan BN, Muhyiddin berkata, perkara itu akan diputuskan tidak lama lagi oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, yang juga Pengerusi BN.

  15. Beliau berkata, tempoh beberapa minggu akan datang ini amat penting kepada BN untuk memperkukuhkan lagi kedudukan di setiap kawasan. Katanya, perhatian juga akan diberikan kepada kelompok pengundi tertentu seperti pengundi muda dan pengundi kali pertama.

    1. Benar, banyak juga pengundi baru dan pengundi muda yang tidak tahu hala tujuannya.

  16. Beliau juga berpuas hati dengan hubungan baik di kalangan parti-parti komponen BN Sabah yang menjadi kekuatan barisan gabungan parti tersebut. "Berbanding parti pembangkang, mereka masih dalam keadaan bercelaru. Kita tahu isu dan masalah dalam kalangan mereka adalah banyak. "Tapi kita tidak ada masalah pun. Jadi itu adalah satu kekuatan BN yang kita akan pertahankan," katanya.

  17. Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman yakin Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah akan meraih kemenangan besar dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU-13) nanti seperti yang dicatatkan dalam pilihan raya umum 2008.

  18. Beliau berkata walaupun BN dijangka menghadapi tentangan hebat daripada parti pembangkang pada pilihan raya umum kali ini namun dengan kesepaduan dan kesefahaman yang amat jitu, pastinya BN Sabah mampu mengulangi kecemerlangan itu.

    1. Kalau nak saing, sainglah dengan cara yang lebih amanah dan bersih.

  19. “Saya lihat semangat penyokong kita termasuk Wanita Barisan Nasional Sabah berkobar-kobar untuk turun padang bagi memastikan kemenangan calon-calon Barisan Nasional. “Saya yakin, dengan ada kesepaduan dan kerjasama semua termasuk Wanita BN yang bekerja siang dan malam untu memantapkan jentera pilihan raya, InsyaAllah kita memperolehi kemenangan besar di Sabah,” katanya.

    1. Budaya turun padang bukan sahaja semasa pru mendekati, harus dibuat dari masa ke semasa.

  20. Pada pilihan raya umum 2008, BN Sabah pimpinan Musa hampir menyapu bersih 60 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) dan 25 kerusi Parlimen apabila hanya kalah di kerusi DUN Sri Tanjung di Tawau dan kerusi Parlimen Kota Kinabalu.

  21. Musa mengingatkan rakyat Sabah agar tidak terpedaya dengan kempen pembangkang yang terus mengkritik kerajaan semata-mata untuk meraih sokongan rakyat. Pembangkang hanya pandai berbohong dan menipu rakyat. Saya harap rakyat bijak menilai dan seterusnya menyokong BN pada pilihan raya akan datang,” katanya.

  22. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman is hopeful that the people in Sabah, including civil servants, will make the right decision in the coming 13th general election of choosing a government which can ensure transformation continuity for their own betterment.

    1. Vote wisely for the better future. Its time for a better change.

  23. While regarding 2013 to be seeing the hottest and toughest general election ever in the country, Musa, who is also Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) Chairman, believes that the State's people are mature enough to judge for themselves the development brought about by the BN government.

  24. "From my visits throughout the State, I believe the people appreciate and are grateful for the development taking place and the allocations provided by the Government.

    "But as a country that practises democracy, it is up to the people to judge and decide on the Government for the future because whatever change is effected, it is hoped that it is change for the better."

  25. Musa said this at the Federal Government departments and statutory bodies' staff assembly at the Sabah Federal Government Administration Complex, here, Monday.

    Also present were Federal Administration Secretary for Sabah, Datuk Abu Bakar Hassan, State Secretary Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman and heads of federal departments and agencies.

  26. Musa, who is also State Finance Minister, also outlined the contributions and successes of the BN government which used sound approaches and made careful plans such as the Government Transformation Programme and Economic Transformation Programme.

  27. "Our country and State enjoy peace and prosperity. Sabah is rich in natural resources, hence many investors are keen to invest here, with investments reaching RM10 billion while our tourism industry continues to develop," he said.

  28. Musa said the State Government was indeed committed to determining the fate of future generations including by initiating tree replanting projects and using suitable species since 2007.

  29. Admitting that there was no perfect government, he stressed that whatever the Government did was to bring about major and wholesome transformation in various sectors including social development and education for greater development and prosperity.

  30. He said the State Government's achievement was proven when it gained recognition for its sound financial management while several state departments and agencies obtained four-star rating from the National Audit Department.

  31. Musa said the State Government appreciated and thanked the 100,000 federal officers and staff in Sabah and the peninsula for their contributions to Sabah's development, including its rural and remote areas, besides spurring the State's economy through a management expenditure allocation of almost RM7 billion last year.

  32. Dr Mahathir yang memimpin negara selama 22 tahun juga menyatakan keyakinan bahawa Barisan Nasional (BN) mampu mencapai keputusan yang lebih baik pada pilihan raya ini berbanding PRU 2008.

  33. malah beliau yakin BN mampu mendapat dua pertiga kerusi Parlimen pada PRU13

  34. Tempoh berkempen 15 hari yang ditetapkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bagi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13) adalah satu tempoh yang amat sesuai bagi mengelak ketegangan dalam masyarakat.

  35. keputusan SPR ini juga disokong oleh bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

  36. beliau berkata jika tempoh lebih lama diberikan oleh SPR, ia mungkin akan menimbulkan perasaan membara dalam kalangan penyokong atau pengundi sehingga boleh mencetuskan suasana huru-hara.
