Wednesday 17 October 2012

Masidi: 10 mistakes leaders must avoid

16th October, 2012
KOTA KINABALU: There are 10 common mistakes which leaders must not make, said Minister of Tourism, Culture & Environment Datuk Masidi Manjun.
In his keynote speech at the Leaders Conference organised by Yayasan Sabah Group here, yesterday he said the first mistake commonly made by leaders is avoiding personal responsibility.
“Leaders need to realise they are responsible to themselves and to others. They should also realise that they need to lead themselves before leading others,” he said.
According to Masidi, another common mistake made by leaders was not building a leadership team as leaders normally formed followers instead of leadership team.
In this respect, he said, the leaders should teach the team complimentary skills that would teach the followers not to compete with them but to complete them.
“If you teach them this way, your employees will not absolutely depend on you. Additionally, leaders also have to teach the group to be committed to the same cause,” he said.
Masidi also said possessing limiting attitude also could be one of the mistakes of leaders who usually refused to accept ideas, suggestions and feedbacks from the employees.
“This kind of leaders will not favour changes and they show negative thinking towards the employees’ proposals unless the ideas come from themselves,” he added.
Masidi added that leaders should treat the employees fairly and reward them according to their contributions to the organisation.
“The general rule is that 80 per cent of employees can generate 20 per cent of revenue to the company. However, 20 per cent efficient workers can always generate 80 per cent profit to the business.

Read More : New Sabah Times


  1. Hope our leaders give their full commitment to serve the people.

  2. Harap2 para pemimpin kita sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat

  3. Komitmen para pemimpin sangat penting
