Wednesday 20 June 2012

Avoid politics at work, civil servants told

Published on: Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kota Kinabalu: Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin urged civil servants to perform their duties professionally, devoid of the influence of any politically sympathy to the struggle of political parties.
"I raise this matter as with the elections drawing close there are public complaints regarding the attitude of some civil servants who try to venture into politics.
"There is no doubt that every one of you as a public servant have your own political stance. This position is certainly in favour of or being sympathetic to the struggle of certain political parties.
"However in the course of duty, I feel professionalism should be practiced without taking in account one's personal political standpoint," he said.
He said this in his speech while officiating at the Excellent Service Awards (APC) and presentation of MS ISO 9001: 2008 certificate in 2012 the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry Sabah at Wisma Pertanian Sabah on Monday.
He said that professionalism is important in determining the state machinery runs smoothly and orderly.
Professionalism in their service means being transparent and or not be one sided in favouring any party and to carry out their entrusted duties successfully.


  1. Profesion keguruan salah satu yang tidak boleh dicampuradukkan dengan politik. kalau guru mau berpolitik, biarlah di luar dari sekolah, kalau tidak dapat elakkan juga, bagus jadi ahli politik.

  2. Elakan politik di tempat kerja

  3. Sebagai guru, perlulah menumpukan perhatian kepada karier perguruan

  4. Civil servants must be professional in their daily operations without bias or discrimination.

  5. This goes to SPR and MACC, hope that they will be independent and non-bias.

  6. mana2 jabatan kerajaan yang terlalu kuat aura politiknya, pasti akan timbul banyak masalah..

  7. Smua kita harus sedar dan tahu akan tanggungjawab kita sebagai pekerja. Tidak kiralah kita kita bekerja dengan kerajaan @pun bukan.

  8. Dalam ofis pun ada politik jadi pandai2 mencari jalan untuk tidak terlibat dengan politik ofis.
